Juego: The Sniper Game

Juegos / Juegos de Lucha / Juegos de Francotirador / The Sniper Game Juego (The Sniper Game)

Juegos de Chicas - GameGirly.com


Votos totales:  59 . Le gusta al: 79.66% .
Votos totales: 59 . Le gusta al: 79.66% .
Descripción del juego The Sniper Game:
Your mission in this awesome War game is to take down SS officers, neutralize traitors and stem the counter-attacks by the Wehrmacht. But you must also watch out for enemy snipers because they're gunning for you too. You have limited time to take out all targets (white bar) and limited health (red bar).

Press SPACEBAR to toggle between map and sniping view. Use YOUR MOUSE to aim and click LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to fire. Press "M" KEY to go to the mission status screen and see remaining targets.


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